Unearth the Real You

EMDR Therapy Helping High-Achievers Live More Intentional, Empowered Lives

Available Online throughout Washington State


Healing takes courage, and we all have courage, even if we have to dig a little to find it.


Jenn* feels invisible. She’s passionate about her job and knows she’s good at it, yet she keeps getting passed over for promotions. It kills her to watch more confident and outgoing people be celebrated while she’s ignored.

In the rare instances when she does try to speak up, it’s met with criticism or indifference. So she fades into the background, arms crossed in front of her, shrinking smaller by the second. The voice in her head is relentless, “Why did you say that?” “You’re so stupid!” “Everyone thinks you’re pathetic!” And no matter how hard she tries, it’s impossible to stop these thoughts once they get going.

Reyna* is overwhelmed. There are never enough hours in the day. Her calendar is overflowing with meetings, work events, family plans, and commitments to her friends. She knows that she needs to rest, but she feels guilty whenever she starts to slow down. She hates the idea of disappointing anyone.

On the surface, she has everything she ever wanted – a thriving career, a loving family, a beautiful home – but inside, she feels empty and exhausted. She tries to put on a happy face and push through, but it’s hard to remember the last time she felt genuine joy. None of the self-help books, podcasts, or TikTok therapists have made a difference, and she’s worried she’s going to feel this way forever.

Sofia* feels powerless. She never knows from one moment to the next what’s going to trigger her anxiety, fear, and panic. It seems like the harder she tries to control her emotions, the more overwhelming they become. She wonders how much of what she’s experiencing ties into her childhood.

She’ll be stuck in a funk for hours – sometimes days – not knowing how to get out of it. Her partner tries to help, but it’s no use. She eventually starts to feel like herself again, only for it to happen all over again when she least expects it. She’s stuck in this cycle and doesn’t understand why she can’t just let go of her past. She’s afraid she’ll ruin everything if she doesn’t get a handle on this

*The above names and stories are fictionalized composites of real clients I’ve supported.

This is where I come in.

We’ve all got wounded parts of us that need tending to, but dealing
with them alone can be daunting.

Let’s work together to find the root of what’s holding you back and finally clear the path to living the empowered, intentional life you deserve.

A part of you might be nervous; that’s perfectly natural. But if you’re here reading this right now, there’s another part of you that has hope that things can change. Let’s bet on her.

Hi, I’m Dylan.

And I’m passionate about helping highly-sensitive millennials get to know themselves on a deeper level, tap into their innate resilience, and find their authentic voice.

I know firsthand what it’s like to get the job of my dreams and still be miserable. To fulfill everyone else’s expectations while not knowing who I was or what I wanted. To feel like my voice wasn’t being heard and didn’t matter. And how trauma can come in countless different shapes and impact our lives in ways we’d never expect.

You’re so much more than what the world sees on the surface, but in a culture where your emotions are often seen as “too much,” there aren’t enough safe spaces to unpack all of the real, raw, messy sh*t you carry underneath.

As womxn, we need our voices now more than ever *insert America Ferrera’s powerful Barbie monologue here*, and we can only break these harmful cycles if we permit ourselves to heal. 

Together, let’s resolve the limiting beliefs, unprocessed trauma, and outdated stories you tell yourself.

It’s time to dig deep and create meaningful change in your life.

More About Me

Jenn went back and forth for months before scheduling a consultation. Her initial fears about being judged and opening up to a stranger disappeared after the first session. Through our work, she discovered the root causes of her inner critic. Soon, to her surprise, her nerves began to melt away, and now, even in the face of challenges, that critical voice has nothing to say.

Reyna was ready to get down to business. She was fed up with how she was feeling and knew that if she didn’t make a change soon, she’d run herself into the ground. This wasn’t her first time in therapy, but it was her first time using EMDR. Soon, Reyna was able to clear the emotional blockages preventing her from the life she craved. Now, she’s able to relax and spend time with her family without any guilt.

Sofia wanted answers. She reached out, and together, we set to work processing the memories and emotions causing her distress. To her surprise, she discovered that avoiding triggers wasn’t helpful. Instead, the only way forward was to work through these feelings. Now, she’s calm, confident, and fully present with herself and those around her. For the first time she can remember, she feels free.



Individual Therapy



EMDR Intensives


Reclaim your power.

I helped Jenn, Reyna, and Sofia find a way through their suffering and emerge stronger on the other side. I can do the same for you.

Don’t wait another moment to take the first step toward the rest of your life.

Reach out now

“Dylan has a way of ensuring her clients feel safe and understood, whether it’s through laughter or her vivid analogies – it never once felt like just therapy with her. Since meeting her, she has helped me achieve a life full of happiness, strength, confidence, kindness, and compassion for myself that I didn’t know I was capable of.”