Beneath the Pain, There’s Power
Virtual EMDR Therapy Intensives for the Healers, Helpers, and Fixers
Available Online Throughout Washington State

“Turn your wounds into wisdom.”
– Oprah Winfrey
Jenn* feels inadequate.
She’s passionate about her job and deep down, she knows she’s good at it, yet she keeps getting passed over for promotions. It kills her to watch more confident and outgoing people be celebrated while she’s constantly getting in her own way.
In the rare instances when she does try to speak up, she stumbles over her words and ends up freezing. So she fades into the background, arms crossed in front of her, shrinking smaller by the second. The all-too-familiar voice in her head is relentless, “Why would you say that?” “How could you be so stupid?” “You don’t know what you’re talking about!” And no matter how hard she tries, it’s impossible to stop these thoughts once they get going.
Reyna* is overwhelmed.
She’s the one everyone turns to – the helper, the fixer, the steady hand in the storm. Her calendar is overflowing with commitments she’s made to her family, her friends, her wife, her daughter’s preschool… It’s all just too much. She’s built her life around caring for others, solving problems, and keeping it all together.
But somewhere along the way, she lost sight of herself. The exhaustion is catching up. She’s starting to feel like she’s running on empty, and the same patterns of giving too much and getting too little are leaving her drained.
She knows she can’t keep this up, and she definitely doesn’t want her daughter to end up this way… but she feels guilty whenever she starts to slow down. She hates the idea of disappointing anyone.
Mark* feels out of control.
He never knows from one moment to the next what’s going to trigger his anxiety, fear, or panic. It seems like the harder he tries to control his emotions, the more overwhelming they become.
He’ll be stuck in a funk for hours – sometimes days – not knowing how to get out of it. His partner tries to help, but it’s no use. When she asks, he just shuts down. He eventually starts to feel like himself again, only to get triggered all over again when he least expects it. He’s stuck in this cycle and doesn’t understand why he can’t just get over it and feel normal.
He wonders how much of what he’s experiencing has to do with his upbringing… He tries not to think about the past. But he’s afraid he’ll mess everything up if he doesn’t get a handle on this soon.
*The above names and stories are fictionalized composites of real clients I’ve supported.
This is where I come in.
We’ve all got tender parts of us that desperately need some TLC, but dealing
with them alone can feel daunting…
Our customized and fully virtual EMDR Therapy Intensives will help you find the root of what’s keeping you stuck and finally clear the path to living the empowered, intentional life you deserve.
Part of you might be skeptical about this “woo-woo” stuff actually working; and I don’t blame you – I’ve been there. But if you’re here reading this right now, I’ll bet there’s another part of you that has hope things can change.
Let’s see what’s possible with our customized EMDR Therapy Intensives.
Hi, I’m Dylan.
And I’m passionate about helping people get to know themselves deeply, uncover the root of their problems, and create real, lasting change.
I know people ask “How are you?” all the time, often without actually wanting to know the honest answer. With me, I really want to know – even if the answer isn’t pretty.
I offer a warm, non-judgmental space where you can finally unpack the burdens you’ve been carrying.
Together, you’ll find out who you really are beneath the many masks you wear. You’ll stop reacting to triggers and start responding to them with clarity.
You might feel guilty asking for help; but trust me, you deserve support just as much as everyone else.
Real change happens when you dig deep.

Jenn went back and forth for months before scheduling a consultation. Her initial fears about being judged and opening up to a stranger disappeared after the first few minutes of her EMDR Intensive.
Through our work, she discovered the root causes of her inner critic. Soon, to her surprise, her nerves began to melt away, and now, even in the face of challenges, that critical voice has nothing to say.
Reyna was ready to get down to business. She was fed up with how she was feeling and knew that if she didn’t make a change soon, she’d run herself into the ground.
This wasn’t her first time in therapy, but it was her first time doing a virtual EMDR therapy intensive. Soon, Reyna was able to clear the emotional blockages preventing her from the life she craved. Now, she’s able to take time for herself, without the all-encompassing guilt.
Mark wanted answers. He reached out, and together, we set to create a custom plan for his EMDR Therapy Intensive. To his surprise, he discovered emotions that had been pushed down years before. Instead, the only way forward was to work through these feelings.
Now, he’s calm, confident, and fully present with himself and those around him. For the first time he can remember, he feels like he’s in control.
EMDR Therapy Intensives
Ongoing Therapy
Reclaim your power.
I helped Jenn, Reyna, and Mark find a way through their triggers and emerge empowered on the other side. I can do the same for you with my fully-virtual, customized EMDR Therapy Intensives.
You don’t have to keep carrying this alone. Let’s work together to help you feel less burdened, more alive, and truly yourself.