Healing Trauma and PTSD

8d5b17b4Ariya has a secret…

While catching up with an old friend over happy hour, the topic of middle-school dances came up.

Suddenly, her throat tightened, and fragments of a blurry memory from way back flashed before her eyes.

After realizing she was holding her breath, a chill ran down her spine as she told herself to snap out of it.

“Another glass, please.”

It was a memory she tried hard to forget.

At that moment, Ariya thought about letting her guard down and sharing what happened. She had never told anyone before. The thought of it seemed freeing.

But just as she started to lean in… BAM! Fear took the wheel, and she swiftly steered the conversation to the beet salad at the top of the menu.

As much as she wanted to open up about what she experienced, she kept it to herself. She’d hate to upset her friend or feel like a burden.

Back into the vault it goes.

“Other people have been through worse.”

“Just let it go.”

She often repeated those phrases to herself, trying to “reason” her way out of it.

But it doesn’t work, and it doesn’t change the fact that it happened.

Ariya KnowsAriya KNOWS it still affects her.

Every single time she’s gotten close to telling a friend or someone she was dating, a little voice inside told her not to. That voice wins every time.

Still, she’s aching to get it off her chest.

In this space, your secrets are safe with me.

Trauma isn’t just a buzzword.

It’s when something that shouldn’t have happened did… or something that should have didn’t.

This might be the “Big T” traumas you often think of when you hear “PTSD,” like war, natural disasters, a car accident, or sexual assault.

But it’s also the “Little T” traumas like bullying, emotional neglect, psychological abuse, shaming, betrayal, changing schools often, unresolved guilt, and more.

Trauma doesn’t discriminate, and in my book, pain is pain.

1900634293Good news! There’s a path to healing.

That moment from the past – the one casting shadows on your present… it’s time to face it and finally let it go.

Ever heard of Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR ) therapy? It’s not just another talk therapy or online trend; it’s a game-changer.

Imagine a safe space where you can unpack that heavy burden without fear of judgment – a space designed to help you process and reframe those memories.

Together, we’ll address the layers of that distressing memory, gently paving the way for you to move on and reclaim the joy and freedom you deserve.

During our sessions…

It’s all about making you feel safe and supported.

We’ll use gentle techniques, like eye movements or tapping, to help your brain process that memory in a new way. It’s not like reliving it; it’s more like rearranging the pieces so it doesn’t feel as heavy anymore.

As we continue, you might notice the memory bothering you less and less. It’s like taking the sting out of it so you can finally put it in the past where it belongs.

You’re in control, and we’ll go at a pace that feels right for you. It’s like tidying up your mental space, leaving room for more joy and new experiences.

These virtual encounters, while distant in space, feel deeply personal, providing a sense of warmth, hope, and support.

Feel the relief of resolution.

Imagine the weight lifting off your shoulders, the emotional charge dissipating. The memory won’t control you anymore; you’ll control it.

It’s a shift from being defined by the past to defining your own narrative.

The fear and guardedness will give way to authentic connections, deepening the bonds with those who matter most.

It’s time to move on… for good.

This isn’t just about addressing an old memory; it’s about reclaiming your life. Healing means stepping into a brighter, more authentic version of yourself.

It’s a journey we’ll navigate together, with support and encouragement every step of the way.

Your story is yours to rewrite, and I’m here to help.

Complete the Contact form, and we’ll schedule your free 20-minute consultation.

Note: Any names used herein are fictitious and represent a composite of client circumstances, not actual clients.