EMDR Therapy

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Maybe living through it isn’t the only hard part. Maybe being in the world afterward is also the hard part.

– Casey Plett in her novel, Little Fish

Df2036b4Sometimes, it feels silly…

When you least expect it, something (or someone) triggers you, and BOOM…

It’s as if you’re 13 years old again: the sass, the defensiveness, the deflection, the shutdown.

Your rational mind knows there are better ways to handle this, but your body seems several steps behind. You try to convince yourself this reaction is too much, but it’s already too late…

Your face is hot, your heart is beating out of your chest, and your fists are clenched.

You’ve convinced yourself that…

The bullying that happened when you were eight was “nothing.”

Moving around a lot and starting over at new schools as a young kid was “just how it was.”

The fights you and your siblings had when you were six were “normal.” You were just being silly kids.

That breakup with your first love at 14 was “SO long ago,” and you should just let it go.

Your relationship with your parents is better now, so the critical comments and lack of emotional support throughout your childhood “shouldn’t affect you anymore.”

But here’s the truth: These experiences left a mark – maybe deeper than you’d like to admit.

Img 3853Don’t gaslight yourself, girl!

Our past shapes our present. So, no matter how long ago these difficult memories were or how silly it feels still to be affected by them, it matters.

But I have good news for you…

We can go into those old memories and do some emotional surgery so you can finally feel some resolution and relief.

EMDR helps you move on… for good.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) is a powerful tool that helps untangle the knots of your past experiences, allowing you to find a sense of peace and freedom from the emotional burdens holding you back.

It’s an evidence-based therapy that has been extensively studied and proven effective in addressing a wide range of challenges, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), low self-esteem, anxiety, depression, grief and loss, performance anxiety, phobias, and more.

The goal of EMDR is to desensitize negative emotions and beliefs associated with disturbing memories from the near or distant past, creating space for healing and personal growth.

Ac33e8eeHere’s how it works…

Developed by psychologist Dr. Francine Shapiro, EMDR combines gentle bilateral stimulation, like eye movements, taps, or sounds, with targeted therapy techniques to help your brain reprocess and heal from the impact of trauma.

EMDR recognizes that traumatic experiences can leave lasting imprints on our minds and bodies, causing distress, anxiety, and other negative symptoms. These experiences can become “stuck” in our brain’s processing system, hindering our ability to heal and move forward.

EMDR aims to unlock this stuck information, allowing the brain to reprocess the memories and emotions associated with the trauma.

EMDR isn’t just about coping with the past; it’s about reclaiming your present and shaping your future. By desensitizing the distressing emotions associated with the memories and shifting negative beliefs…

EMDR helps you develop new perspectives and a greater sense of empowerment.

It’s time to break free from the weight of the past!

It IS possible to heal from the past and regain control of your life.

Imagine a future where something that currently triggers you loses its power. It happens, but there you are… chillin’.

I can’t wait to support you on this transformational journey!

We’ll talk more during your free 20-minute consultation. Reach out through the Contact form to schedule. Let’s do this.